

Всё настоящее - мгновение вечности.
Fear not the dark within this night
Beneath the sky of deadly light.
Of raging fire seen from afar:
The fear inside of who you are.

@темы: Цитаты

05.07.2007 в 14:06

I`m dancing on the fire burning in my heart...
What happend, D?
05.07.2007 в 20:06

Всё настоящее - мгновение вечности.
Nothing at all.

I've just liked this words.


And wrote them to remember.
06.07.2007 в 06:46

I`m dancing on the fire burning in my heart...
Yeah, I liked them too ^^.

But, really, I dont find any fear worth to remember inside myself ^^

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